be together

Do you have what it takes to be an East Bae?

Be together, be community.

Our events & outreach aim to inspire deeper community connections, & understanding of our various issues.

We offer social yet educational based events, sports fun, & group trips for our saftey.

We feed the need for fun, as well as respect the need for action in meaningful ways.

Books & Business:

We have a small, yet growing, procured collection of vital readings & small business listings.

Black, Latinx, Brown, Trans, Queer, & Womxn writers & owners.

Classic reads to banned books; you will want to pick up something.

Remember that daily vote$ are powerful. Search our list when looking for services & where to spend your $ in your community.

Social educational, sports, & activists club cooperative. Together, we can support each other & ignite real changes in our communities.

We are actively anti racism, aimed at ending misogyny, genderism, Lesphobia, classism, toxic masculinity, colorism, & ablism.

If it is not intersectional; it is problematic.

We are here to highlight baddies in our communities, & harbor a secure space for womxn in various realms.

We have a strict no bully policy. Any reports of bullying will be dealt with swiftly.